Saturday, December 2, 2017

How to get rid of scars

Unfortunately, in our world there are few people who would not have a single scar. Burns, cuts, abrasions - it all puts a mark on our skin, but if men's scars are not as scary as it is believed to even adorn them, then it's the whole catastrophe, especially if the scar is very eye-catching for us women.

In our article today, we will tell you why in our bodies there are scars, how the wound in place does not formed scar, as well as touch in ways to get rid of scars.

What is a scar?
We all have an idea what a scar, but especially to talk about his views, it would be desirable to give a scientific definition of it. Scar - a dense formation of connective tissue, which appears in place of his injuries. Due to the fact that this area was damaged, and the defect skin, no scars on the hair follicles and sweat glands. Also, among other things, the scars have their own typology, which we will tell you about.

Normotroficheskie - the scars that do not protrude above the skin, they are thin and almost imperceptible, and therefore adapted.

Atrophic- this type of characteristic scars that are found under the skin. As a rule, they are not deep, but they are formed in the vicinity of the fold. If you use the right method, and easy to deal with.

Hypertrophic - scars that are elevated above the skin, due to the proliferation of connective tissue. These scars tend to reverse back in two years and have a pink tint. But despite everything, it is good to deal with.

Keloid - an excellent above the skin scars that are susceptible to wild growth. The treatment of these scars is a complex application and usually results are not guaranteed.
Why scarring
Many of you, of course, interested in the question: why in some places, after the injury, the scars remain, while others remain. It all depends on the location, the depth and the nature of the appearance of the scar. If, for example, the damaged part of the thin skin: in the eye or on the surface of the forearm, the track will be thin, and thus grow together. The longer the wound heals, the more likely it is that the scar is visible. Thin wound with straight edges - precisely tightened and almost imperceptibly traces, but torn and severely inflamed wound become a wide and clear scar.

How to get rid of scars
 That the wound does not become a scar behind her we need the proper care. So, if you have received damage, the wound must be cleaned first. You can treat the wound with an antiseptic or simply clean water and non-carbonated. Next we have to stop the bleeding, for this use a small amount of hydrogen peroxide and to the affected part of the skin or wool scarf.

The wound rapidly growing towards each other and the diminishing probability of occurrence of a large scar, the wound edges close a plaster. Before this pinch the wound edge to the skin on this site was smooth, then the maximum drag with plaster and mount on the damaged area skin. Note that if the wound is too deep, then you should go to the nearest point of care so that you get expert help.

In no case, the treatment of the wound zelyonkoj! Otherwise, the green food may get particles in the context of a new layer of the skin covering the wound, and then on the site will be a dark spot, the coming down headdress would be.

When the wound begins to tighten, do not scour skovyrivayte, look at it being dry. When the wound heals, procedures begin to occur and get rid of the scar.

How to get rid of scars at home?
To get rid of fresh scars on body that are out of the cuts there are different treatment methods. For home scar uses the treatment of special drugs: silicone gels and creams that line the wound and naturalize the color.

To get rid of scars after surgery, after burning, as well as facial scars, which formed a few years ago, the special silicone pads are used for this purpose. Trim cut slightly larger than the scar treated with a solution of an antiseptic scar deformation and a dry, clean surface is stuck smooth silicone coating. The coating can be applied to the skin for 24 hours. Thanks to this procedure, the conditions are created for a scar that it will not grow. The face, trunk, arms and legs: These overlays can be applied over the body. In order for scar to be resolved faster, it is advisable to massage the oil solution of vitamin E.

If for any reason it was not possible to heal your scar, reference is made to the beautician, to date, there are many ways to safely get rid of the scars.


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