There are a few things you can do to reduce or control acne
problems. As said, it remains under control, but it is not measures that
address the cause at the root.
Do not pimp the pimples or try to squeeze them out. With
that, you only make the complaints worse.
Often the face has little use, even if you do so with
antibacterial soaps. Your face looks less greasy but it does not help to fight
the bacteria in the pores or limit the amount of oil that is separated. Too
much washing can be counter-productive because the skin gets irritated because
it gets too dry.
The comedowns become soft with warm moist compresses. Then
you can easily remove them. Someone who understands can remove the comedowns or
show how they should be removed.
Do not pimp the pimples or try to squeeze them out. With
that, you only make the complaints worse.
There are masks, lotions and creams that keep the pores
open, the upper skin layer clean and remove excess talk.
Eat more products with vitamin A. This is good for the skin.
Make sure you do not get too much of this vitamin because too high doses are
Regular visits to a beautician can also help.
Regular treatment or acne
Treatment by regular medicine depends on the severity of the
complaints. Since some measures and treatments may cause side effects, it is
important to report on the treatment provider. Acne is not a complaint for
which you need urgent medical attention (this is related to so-called
complaints in the whole body such as joint- & muscle pain, general malaise,
fever, etc.). ).
Antibiotics - It can be applied to the skin or tasks orally.
This should be months or years for the acne to be controlled. If one stops, the
acne often comes back. The problem is that during puberty, girls can also
suffer from vaginal fungal infections due to prolonged use. This requires
different medication.
Sunlight - Sunlight can give improvement. However, if you
use the antibiotic retinoid, the skin can become more irritating faster.
Other ointments and creams - There are also creams (based on
benzoyl peroxide, sulfur and / or resorcinol) that can be used. However, this
has the potential disadvantage that the skin is becoming dry and feels burning.
Sensitization occurs in some people.
The pill - If the acne is clearly related to menstruation,
another contraceptive pill can also benefit. The effect is generally only after
4-6 months and often the effect is poor.
Isotretinoin - This is a medicine used in severe forms of
acne. It reduces sebum production, stops the formation of new pimples or
blackheads and inhibits the infection. It is a very effective remedy that has a
lot of possible side effects: fetal damage, joint and muscle pain, liver
complaints, dry eyes (making them irritated), hypersensitivity to the sun,
higher blood fat and cholesterol levels, chapped lips, dry skin on the inside
of the penis or vagina. Blood tests are necessary to prevent serious
Corticosteroid injections - These injections are sometimes
injected into abscesses or cysts.
Drainage - Abscesses or cysts are sometimes used to drain
the fluid.
Dermabrasion - A method to remove small scars on the skin
(by rubbing). This is therefore more a consequence of acne than the acne
Classic homeopathy and acne
It seems a strange question, but in the first instance. In
case of less severe forms of acne during puberty that have little unpleasant
consequences for the patient, no treatment or course necessary. Sometimes it
happens that people do not know that it just goes with it. In severe forms or
acne, acne after puberty and / or acne that has a considerable impact should of
course be treated.
In the first instance, it is important to know what causes
the complaint. For example, if someone works in an environment with a lot of
oil in the air, treatment is difficult because the patient is exposed to
factors that cause acne every day. Or another example: people who have a slight
form of acne as a result of medication. It is possible to reduce the
susceptibility to acne, but there is less chance of success. If there is no
cause that keeps the acne going, the chance of success is much greater.
In general, acne can be treated well with homeopathy.
Because acne is often very common and there are many symptoms that are very
common. In this way a means is sought, as well as fight acne (in general) but
also meets the other characteristics of the patient.
In the repertory used by many homeopaths (Synthesis 9.1),
more than 150 anti-acne agents are listed. Each of these agents differs from
other means by combinations of different symptoms. For example, some of these
substances fit with hot, warm-blooded or temperature-neutral people. Other
means are people who have acne and certain psychological problems.
As said before, the acne complaints are seldom an indication
of the right remedy because they are too general. In some cases, the acne
symptoms are very characteristic and typical. Think of severe forms of
abscesses always follow each other (i.e. not simultaneously), this is a strong
indication of three agents (Sodium Phosphoric, Silicea terra or Sulfur). Or
acne that is clearly worse by eating cheese (Nux Vomica) or getting worse in
cold and wet weather (Bellis Perennis).
The examples below are intended to illustrate the
homeopathic method. The means mentioned are not the only means for the
complaints mentioned. Even if you can see yourself in the complaints, you may
want to get another letter. Taking a drug without competent advice on your home.
A competent homeopath can also provide you with a brief description of your
potency and dosage.
Example of treatment or acne with classic homeopathy
A patient asks for homeopathic help because of acne. During
puberty she just suffered from acne like every adolescent but that has gone by
in the long run. A few years after puberty, pimples again appeared in her face
after she had a vaccination for a trip abroad. The acne is mainly on the nose
and the forehead. The pimples leave very small scars. Sometimes she has very
large pustules that contain pus.
In addition to the acne complaints, the patient also suffers
from constipation and she is quickly affected by colds, etc. She has no good
In terms of physics it is a well-built person. She likes
tidiness and order. She is cold rather than hot. Her nails quickly tear.
The combination of complaints: complaints after a
vaccination, acne, leaves, constipation, cold, orderly and low resistance match
Silicea Terra. This remedy helps against acne, constipation and low resistance.
Homeopath in your area
If you are looking for a homeopath to treat your complaints,
these tips to a competent homeopath might be interesting.
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